Monday, April 25, 2016


Our last weekend of all of us travelling together was one to remember.  Dingle was a wonderful experience and personally the best trip we have been on.  The weather was in our favor so that’s always a plus.  On our way to Dingle we stopped at W.B. Yeats’ house and it was beautiful.  We had class there and it was really neat to see our literature professor shine while reading some of Yeats’ poetry.  It was beautiful. The weather was really dreary, so eventually we took off to Coole Park.  Again, our literature professor shined.  The weather was a lot better there, not as cold.  We all stood by the calming river as our professor read poetry to us.  It was so relaxing.  After that we headed to the Cliffs of Mohr and that was absolutely stunning.  After being at the Aran Islands it was kind of disappointing because the cliffs are much much higher, but it is still worth going to see.  It was not rainy at all, so seeing the sunlight shine and glisten on the ocean and cliffs were just so incredible.  It was a little bit scary because I could see where the dirt has fallen off, so it was clear that going to the edge of the cliff was not a smart idea.   


Finally, after a 12 hour bus ride we reached our destination, Dingle.  Most beautiful scenery surrounding the town.  All of us stayed in this house outside of town in a remote area.  It was almost like a condo.  It had a feel of a reality television show that you would watch.  The house was grand.  The owner even supplied us with food, which was super sweet. To make this trip more enjoyable we celebrated two birthdays of two special people, Alexis and Shane.  It is truly amazing of how close all of us are with each other.  The whole crew bought a card for them and we celebrated with lots of food, drinks, and games.
As we headed back to the cottages we went to the most beautiful castle, called Blarney Castle.  There a lot more to it than the Blarney Castle, although the most popular thing to do is to kiss the Blarney stone for eloquence and you are dang right I kissed it.  I enjoyed every minute I was there.  Also, wishing steps are a big thing.  You walk down the steps eyes closes, and walk them up eyes closed and make a wish.  Either way, I would definitely recommend it.  Besides, there is a poison garden and a fairy park there as well. It was really cool to see it. 


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